Tuesday, November 3, 2009

API Reference: Prefs.jsm library

API Reference

Prefs.jsm library

What is the User Preferences?
Remarks #1

Every preferences have a type. There are three simple types and some complex types.
  • boolean
  • integer
  • string
  • and some complex types.
Remarks #2

Don't overlap your preference's name to others. Keep to use your original branch (ex. "extensions." or something like that) is a good manner.

Example #1: How to handle the "javascript.options.strict" preference.

  • Construct a instance of Prefs Class.
//Specify a branch. Note: you must terminate it with a period.
var prefs = new Prefs("javascript.options.");
  • Set the value of preference to true.
prefs.set("strict", true);
  • Get the value of preference.
var v = prefs.get("strict");
That's all. The library can infer a proper type for the preference automatically (and you can specify it manually if you want).

Reference Manual

function: Prefs aBranchName
Construct a new instance.
aBranchName A branch's name. String. You must terminate it with a period.

function: get aPrefName &optional aDefaultValue aType
Get the value of preference.
aPrefName A preference's name. String.
aDefaultValue A return value when the function failed to get.
aType A type of preference. String. Please see the table.1 below.

function: set aPrefName aValue &optional aType aRelFileRelativeToKey
Set the value of preference.
aPrefName A preference's name. String.
aValue A value to set.
aType A type of preference. String. Please see the table.2 below.
aRelFileRelativeToKey A keyword for the relative file path's root directory(ex. "ProfD", etc). String.

function: clear aPrefName
Clear the preference.
aPrefName A preference's name. String.

function: getChildList &optional aStartingAt
Get the array of preferences' name of below the branch.
aStartingAt A branch's name. String.

Table.1: aType for get
calls internally
string"string" getComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsISupportsString).data
localized string"localized" getComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString).data
absolute file path"file"getComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsILocalFile)
relative file path"relFile" getComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsIRelativeFilePref)

Table.2: aType for set

calls internally
boolean"boolean" setBoolPref(aPrefName, !!aValue)
integer"integer"setIntPref(aPrefName, +aValue)
string"string" setComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsISupportsString, nsISupportsString's instance)
localized string"localized" setComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsIPrefLocalizedString, nsIPrefLocalizedString's instance
absolute file path"file" setComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsILocalFile, aValue)
relative file path"relFile" setComplexValue(aPrefName, Ci.nsIRelativeFilePref, nsIRelativeFilePref's instance)

Please refer the File I/O - MDC about the relative file path.

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